Charcoal Papers is a collaborative exploration between photographer Antonio Ysursa and art director, graphic designer, and painter Taylor Franklin Quinn. Inspired by one of the earliest artistic mediums, charcoal, this photographic collection fuses fashion and fine art in the form of seven unique character studies that offer a collision of two artists' perspectives. Drawing on a variety of black and white photography techniques, Ysursa and Franklin sought to translate the qualities of charcoal—texture, grittiness, the extremes of light and shadow—into a photographic journey. Engaging with the world of art and fashion, these photographs explore the themes of body, gesture, romanticism, and opposites while offering thoughtful insights about the connection between past and future.
A percentage of every sale will be donated to Art Start, a community based arts organization that nutures the creativity of historically marginalized youth.
Ashlyn, Allie Smith, Adam Szabó, Alex Tudela, Bode, Cast Partner, Dreamland Agency, Edward Lampley, Green River Project, Javier Irigoyen, Jessica Willis, Jesse Cooley, Junya Nakashima, Lamesha Mosely, Leah Henken, Mary Sucaet, Martin Cole, Rachel Klein, Rei Tajima, Stock Vintage, Virgile Flores
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